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Croteam porting Serious Sam engine to Switch, The Talos Principle “likely” for the system

Posted on May 4, 2019 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Switch

Serious Sam 4

Croteam has long been known for its work on the Serious Sam franchise, including the upcoming Serious Sam 4. The developer also has another hits on its hands with the 2014 first-person puzzler The Talos Principle. Both of these IPs could very well be finding their way to Switch in the future.

The first bit of news comes from Croteam CTO Alen Ladavac and marketing manager Daniel Lucic. In an interview with Wccftech, the two revealed that its new engine for Serious Sam is being ported to Switch. On top of that, Lucic revealed that The Talos Principle is “likely” for Nintendo’s system.

Here’s the full exchange:

How is the engine working with the console platforms at the moment?

AL: Really good. We are happy with that. Yeah. It’s become very streamlined to just ship one of our games on Xbox One or PS4 or Nintendo Switch. We are working on all of those platforms to make sure that we can at any point ship any game is. As long as that platform can actually handle the amount of content, we’re probably not gonna ship the next big game older platform. But in theory, the engine supports a number of platforms.

So then the engine is working well with the Nintendo Switch?

AL: We are working on porting for the Nintendo Switch. I’m not sure what’s the current status and what we can share about that.

DL: We won’t share much, but it works.

Can we expect The Talos Principle to hit the Switch?

DL: Likely.

If the comments above weren’t enough, we also have the following teases from Twitter:

Source 1, Source 2

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