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Crymachina launch trailer

Posted on October 24, 2023 by (@NE_Brian) in Switch, Videos

Crymachina launch trailer

With Crymachina starting to launch in the west, a new launch trailer is available. Crymachina. This should be the final video for the FuRyu RPG.

You can find additional information about it in the following overview:

In a world where humans went extinct thousands of years ago, synthetic beings known as Dei ex Machina have been tasked to bring mankind back. Join three E.V.E., the recreated psyche of deceased humans instilled in synthetic bodies, as they seek their full-fledged humanity and explore Eden to discover the secrets hidden within.

Flashy, action-packed combat paired with in-depth weapon customization creates a visually stunning RPG experience. Dark scenery and striking sci-fi visuals bring the world of Crymachina to life.

Take a look at the Crymachina launch trailer below.

Launch Trailer

Crymachina is being sold physically and digitally on Switch in North America now. The European launch will follow at the end of the week.

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