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Daemon X Machina Setting Documents Collection releasing in Japan next month, pre-orders open

Posted on January 14, 2020 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Switch

Next month, a new Daemon X Machina book will be released in Japan. Known as the “Setting Documents Collection”, it’s packed with official art and various materials that will be shown for the first time, comments from producer Kenichiro Tsukuda (in Japanese), and more.

Here’s a product description from Play-Asia:

A collection of setting materials for a deeper understanding of the world background of the mechanical action “Daemon X Machina” released by Nintendo Switch. Including Arsenal’s Armor Weapon general catalog, unknown profile of liberation brigade members, immortal list, etc. One book full of treasured visuals and materials such as various settings that will be released for the first time, character comments by Kenichiro Tsukuda producer.

The Daemon X Machina Setting Documents Collection will be out in Japan on February 20. Play-Asia is taking import pre-orders here.

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