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December 2012 NPD: Epic Mickey 2 sells just 270,000 copies

Posted on January 15, 2013 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Podcast Stories, Wii, Wii U

Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two has been a relative sales bomb in the United States. According to the Los Angeles Times, it sold just 270,000 copies last month following a mid November launch.

Thus far, Epic Mickey 2 hasn’t attained nearly the same success as its predecessor. Remember: the fist title sold 1.3 million units in its first full month in the US. Making matters worse, Epic Mickey 2 was released on four different platforms (with PC and Mac versions on the way) compared to Epic Mickey 1’s standalone Wii SKU.

Surely the dip in sales is as least somewhat related to the low-quality of Epic Mickey 2. Whereas the original was considered to be decent, “2” took a number of steps back.

Source, Via

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