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Doom (1993) and Doom II receive SIGIL II add-on, Quake gets QDOOM

Posted on December 12, 2023 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Switch


Bethesda has made new add-ons available for a couple of its classic Switch releases, with Doom (1993) and Doom II receiving SIGIL II while Quake players can access QDOOM.

SIGIL II is a free episode containing nine levels. John Romero, one of the co-founders of id Software, led the way on its development.

As for QDOOM, it reimagines the first episode of Doom (1993), Knee-Deep in the Dead, in the Quake engine. Players will take on a deadly tag team of both Quake and Doom during their playthrough.

SIGIL II is available for Doom (1993) and Doom II on Switch now. The same goes for QDOOM with Quake. More information can be found here and here.

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