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Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 3 details cover the Great Riders Cup

Posted on February 18, 2016 by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News

The week’s issue of Jump has yet another update on Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 3. This time around, we have news about the Great Riders Cup. This can be accessed by going through the story up to the point where you meet a Nochora who organizes the event named Chomach.

The Great Riders Cup are battles with up to four participants, each of whom rides a monster. The objective is to gather slimes that are spread around the field and carry them to your goal to rack up points.

Each monster type has its own moveset of two attacks that can be done with X and Y buttons. They also have stat distributions that don’t depend on the monster’s level, but solely on the monster type. The lower right of the screen has a tension gauge, which if a stock box is filled it can be used to make the monster dash.

The field will also have items with helpful effects, such as “Shield” which protects you from an attack once, and “Bomb Stone” which if thrown towards an opponent’s goal will reduce their score. If you win the whole match, you’ll earn experience points for your monster and sometimes also items for use in the main game.

Lastly, the Great Riders Cup can be played not only solo with CPU opponents, but also multiplayer through local and online.


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