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Elliot Quest version 1.2.6 coming soon

Posted on September 5, 2015 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U eShop

Another update is coming soon to Elliot Quest. Version 1.2.6 could be out next week, so long as Nintendo approves it.

This new Elliot Quest update will address more bugs. Additionally, it will unlock some Miiverse stamps based on save data.

PlayEveryWare posted the following news on Miiverse:

In a separate post, the company added the following:

I also want to thank all of Miiverse community for being patient and understanding, while sharing with us the issues that are surely frustrating you.

What happened was that we made a whole bunch of performance optimizations alongside our Miiverse Journal feature update. Unfortunately one of the optimizations had some unintended, but serious consequences. We also wanted to address the feedback we were getting about players wanting to have Stamps unlocked based on their save data. Along with fixing bugs that were my fault, I really want to be sure we are adding in features that you the community find important!

We really hope this will be the final update for Elliot Quest on Wii U, but of course we will continue to support the game by watching Miiverse and elsewhere to see if players find any further issues or have any additional feature requests for the game!


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