Fans continue to find signs of Paladins’ dev tinkering around with a possible Switch version
The first-person shooter Paladins was updated once again today. Marxally has dug through the files and code, and has discovered even more evidence of a potential Switch release.
The first find is that the Joy-Con pictures have been updated and the colors have changed. This could be just a test or a bug though since the colors appears to be reversed:

Marxally also shares this discovery:
“… Oasis files that had some “Nintendo account” text on it (only the french text), now have been updated as well, and include eShop related text for the in-game shop. By the looks of it, you can purchase crystals (in-game currency) via the eShop. The Settings text might be Switch related too, since that text isn’t in the Xbox One and PS4 files. You might be able to turn rumble on and off, and maybe even set the strength of it.
As you might know aswell, when you link your Xbox or Playstation account with your Hi-rez account, you get a special Androxus skin. The [UIAccountLinkPopup] text, seems the Nintendo version of that text.
Weirdly enough, the spanish version of the text, says “Cuenta Peluche”, translating it to “Plush Account”. The same applies to the chinese, deutsche and portuguese files.
The french version of the text, says Nintendo account, like the poland, russian and turquian ones.”
There have been several times over the past few months that there have been signs of a possible Switch version of Paladins, going all the way back to November. It’s also one of a few rumored Switch games to be announced at E3.
Thanks to Marxally for the tip.