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Fatal Frame: The Black Haired Shrine Maiden details

Posted on September 17, 2014 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U

This week’s issue of Famitsu has another update on Fatal Frame: The Black Haired Shrine Maiden. For the latest information, check out the summary below.


– Miu is Miku’s daughter
– Miku is in the game
– She goes missing when Miu was 3
– Still voiced by Rika Wakusawa
– There are rumors that she is currently at the mountain, but it’s unclear why
– Onion’s name is Shiragiku
– Voiced by Natsumi Takamori
– She is notable for her white hair
– Can read people’s minds
– She shows up at the shrine, whispering mysterious words to visitors
– Has a faceless doll called a hitogatami
– Haruka Momose is Fuyuhi’s friend
– Hakura is easily swayed by others’ opinions
– She seems to have a secret between her and Fuyuhi, which may have something to do with her spiriting away


Mt. Hikami Cable Car

– A cable car built to stir up tourism at the mountain again
– There was a big landslide soon after completion and it was abandoned
– Rumored to be a famous ghost spot where ghosts are spotted in the car, etc

Watarai Mansion

– A house where a folklorist called Keiji Watarai lived when he investigated the mountain
– He went missing while investigating the religion and the house suddenly vanished from the mountain
– Rumored to have been spotted amidst the fog

Katashiro Shrine

– A shrine in the center of Shirazu Forest with a lot of dolls
– Has been empty for a long time
– No one knows why the dolls are there
– Rumors say that kids’ ghosts play there, the dolls talk, and a girl with white hair and a doll stares at you


– Stretch beneath the island
– The mountain was seen as the human body and the cave thing seen as the inside, where water (and gods) dwell, so it was called the womb cave

Hikami Tunnel

– A tunnel that was built with the intention of ferrying tourists to the top of the mountain
– Water from the caves flooded the tunnels during construction and many workers died
– Construction began again later, but the entire mountain was abandoned, so it was closed down


– Where Yuuri meets a ghost


– Comes from rain, taking attacks, being in water
– This fills the wetness meter
– The wetter you are, the stronger your spirit power is, other powerups to the camera
– OTOH, your defence lowers and you encounter more ghosts, so it’s risky
– Wetness clears up over time
– If you want to become dry immediately, you can use the “purifying flame” lantern
– If you take an attack from a ghost in “yomi nure” status, you too will enter it
– This lowers your defense and your HP gradually
– Also messes up your vision
– This too can be cured with the purifying flame, or you can defeat all ghosts, leave the area, etc
– If you touch a ghost as they’re “dying”, you can view a past scene of how they died
– You can also touch them during special attacks
– If you’re successful, you can beat the ghost regardless of their HP
– Most ghosts are unique with their own past, and you can form a sort of “collection” of these death videos


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