Fire Emblem Heroes update announced (version 7.5.0), patch notes
Nintendo and Intelligent Systems have announced the next update for Fire Emblem Heroes, version 7.5.0. It should be going live around May 8 (PT).
The update will add Seer’s Snare, new skills for a Legendary Hero and Mythic Hero, and more.
Below are the full patch notes for the Fire Emblem Heroes version 7.5.0 update:
■ A new event, Seer’s Snare, is coming!
A new event where you make your way across the Timeless Rift, Seer’s Snare, is about to begin. With time itself as your ally, try to return to your original world through the distortion of space-time!
Seer’s Snare is an event in which you press ahead through various diverging branches of time while strengthening your allies. You can use event-specific stamina to move forward, while choosing from the various paths.
There are a total of four different kinds of areas in this world: Normal Battles, Boss Battles, Vanir Seals, and Safe Havens. When you proceed into a battle area, there will be a battle! At first, your allies’ A, B, and C skills and Sacred Seals will be sealed. Also, there are unique color advantage differences.
You can obtain skills and Rift Vessels as Battle Rewards for clearing areas. Rift Vessels are items that can be used in Vanir Seal areas. They can be exchanged for desired skills or used to unlock sealed skills.
Many skills can be equipped in this world thanks to the power of time. Equip your allies with skills you’ve obtained and engage in Boss Battles.
If you get stuck partway through, activate Unwind Time from the event’s main page. You can either return to the beginning or return to just after the last sub-boss you defeated. Your consumed stamina will return accordingly.
By playing once each day, you can earn rewards like Orbs and Dragonflowers! Also, each time you reach a new point in the Timeless Rift, you can earn rewards such as Orbs, Dragonflowers, and Divine Codes.
Note: You will only receive the reward for arriving at a location for the first time. Even if you use Unwind Time and choose another path, you will not be able to receive the reward again.
In Seer’s Snare, there are two bonus titles set for each event. Heroes from bonus titles will have their stats increased, and also, in addition to expanded skill slots, they will get a free skill slot that can be equipped with A, B, or C Skills!
The first bonus titles are
Fire Emblem Awakening and
Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem.
The event is scheduled to be held for the first time starting 5/14/2023 12:00 p.m.(PT) More details and gameplay tips will be included in notifications leading up to the event.
You can see a small preview of this event in action in the recently released Feh Channel (Apr. 20, 2023) video. We even touch on things like formation tips and unique color affinities. We hope you take a look!
■ New skills are being added for a Legendary Hero and Mythic Hero
Of the Heroes that appear in Legendary & Mythic Hero Remixes, Líf: Lethal Swordsman and Edelgard: Flame Emperor are gaining new skills.
○ New skills
・ B Skill
Deadly Balance+
At start of combat, if unit’s HP ≥ 25% or
if【Penalty】is active on unit, inflicts
Atk/Spd/Def-5 on foe, inflicts Special cooldown
charge -1 on foe per attack (only highest value
applied; does not stack), and grants Special
cooldown charge +1 to unit per foe’s attack
(only highest value applied; does not stack;
Special cooldown charge granted even if foe’s
attack deals 0 damage) during combat, and
also, if Special triggers, neutralizes “reduces
damage by X%” effects from non-Special
skills (excluding area-of-effect Specials).
If Special triggers before or during combat,
grants Special cooldown count-2 to unit
after combat.【Penalty】
All effects that last “on foe through its next
action.” Includes penalties inflicted by a skill
like Panic or Threaten and negative status
effects (preventing counterattacks, restricting
movement, or the effects of a skill like
Triangle Adept or Guard).This skill can only be equipped by its original unit.
・ C Skill
Even Tempest 3
At start of even-numbered turns, unit can
move 1 extra space. (That turn only. Does
not stack.)
Cannot use:![]()
・ A Skill
Atk/Res Ideal 4
At start of combat, if unit’s HP = 100% or
if【Bonus】is active on unit, grants Atk/Res+7
to unit during combat. At start of combat, if
unit’s HP = 100% and【Bonus】is active
on unit, grants an additional Atk/Res+2 to unit
during combat.【Bonus】
All effects that last “for 1 turn” or “that turn
only.” Includes bonuses granted by a skill
like Rally or Hone and positive status effects
(extra movement or effects like Dominance).Cannot use:
・B Skill
Raging Storm II
If unit initiates combat, grants another action
to unit if unit is not adjacent to an ally after
combat. (Once per turn. If a skill that moves
unit after combat is used, references unit’s
position after that movement occurs.) At start
of combat, if unit’s HP ≥ 25% or unit is not
adjacent to an ally, inflicts Atk/Def-5 on foe
and unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack
during combat, and also, if foe uses dragonstone
or beast damage, neutralizes effects that
prevent unit’s follow-up attacks during combat.
This skill can only be equipped by its original unit.Líf: Lethal Swordsman and Edelgard: Flame Emperor are receiving new weapon skills to refine at the same time, so be sure to check the section of this notification labeled “New weapon skills and weapons to refine are being added” in conjunction with this section.
■ The lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals is being updated
With the release of Ver. 7.5.0, players will be able to obtain Divine Codes (Ephemera 5) from events and exchange them for an updated lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals using the Compile Combat Manual feature.
Divine Codes (Ephemera 5) will be able to be exchanged for the following Combat Manuals:
・ The Combat Manuals added in this update can be compiled until 6/27/2023 11:59 p.m.(PT)
・ Divine Codes (Ephemera 5) may be obtained from events that begin after the release of Ver. 7.5.0, while Divine Codes (Ephemera 4) may continue to be obtained from events that began before the release of Ver. 7.5.0.■ New weapon skills and weapons to refine are being added
The following Heroes will be able to learn these new character-specific weapon skills at 5★:
Freeblade’s Edge
Hero who can learn this skill: Eyvel: Mistress of FianaPupil’s Tome
Hero who can learn this skill: Ewan: Eager StudentValbar’s Lance
Hero who can learn this skill: Valbar: Open and HonestRevenger Lance
Hero who can learn this skill: Cormag: Aloof Lanceman・ The weapons above can be upgraded in the Weapon Refinery after they have been obtained.
・ To learn weapon skills, tap Allies, then Ally Growth, and then Learn Skills.The following weapons will be able to be upgraded or gain additional special effects by using Arena Medals and Divine Dew:
Hero who can learn this skill: Líf: Lethal SwordsmanAymr
Hero who can learn this skill: Edelgard: Flame EmperorScepter of Love
Hero who can learn this skill: Alm: Lovebird DuoNotes:
・ We will fix the graphics for the Aymr weapon in Edelgard: Flame Emperor’s sprite in this update. This change will apply regardless of whether or not the weapon has been refined.
・ To access the Weapon Refinery, you must clear Book I, Chapter 13 in the main story and then clear the second Intermission map, The Rite of Blades.■ New Memento Events are being added to Heroes Journey
○ New Memento Events are being added.
■ Aether Raids is being updated
○ Some structures will have their level cap increased.
・ Catapult (O/D): up to level 11
○ Aether Resort is being updated.
・ Two new songs will be added to the Concert Hall: “Move Out!” from the Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance game and “Another Day of Training?” from the Fire Emblem Engage game.
■ Summoner Duels is being updated
○ You will be able to increase your Favor Level to level 3,100.
This will be in effect with the season starting 5/16/2023 12:00 p.m.(PT)
■ Additional Heroes via Heroic Grails
The following Heroes will be available to summon using Heroic Grails:
・ Michalis: Fruiting Ambition
・ Vigarde: Silent Emperor■ Other Changes
○ An illustration for Lucius: Calming Light will be adjusted.
One of the illustrated poses for Lucius: Calming Light will be adjusted as follows:
■ Before
■ After
○ An illustration for Tana: Soaring Princess will be adjusted.
One of the illustrated poses for Tana: Soaring Princess will be adjusted as follows:
■ Before
■ After
○ An illustration for Peony: Álfar Dream Duo will be adjusted.
One of the illustrated poses for Peony: Álfar Dream Duo will be adjusted as follows:
■ Before
■ After