Fire Emblem Heroes update out now (version 3.3.0)
A new update has gone live for Fire Emblem Heroes. Version 3.0.0 is out now, including the expansion of the Inherit Skill feature and more.
Below are the full details about the update:
Thank you for playing the Fire Emblem Heroes game! Here’s an update from the Fire Emblem Heroes development team.
We would like to introduce the new features and changes in the Ver. 3.3.0 update.■ Inherit Skill Expansion
The number of skills an ally can transfer to another ally via Inherit Skill has increased from three to four.
■ Dark and Anima Mythic Effects Improvement
The Aetheric Lift loss-reduction effect that Dark and Anima Mythic Heroes provide when deployed on defense has been slightly strengthened.The following exemplifies how this change will affect Duma: God of Strength:
〇 Before
Grants allies this Mythic Effect during Anima season, if the Anima blessing has been conferred and if this unit enters battle in Aether Raids with them: Anima-blessed allies decrease the Aetheric Lift lost for defense failures during Anima season.
(This decrease is limited to the number of Mythic Heroes (Max: 2) × the number of Heroes with the blessing conferred × 4.)〇 After
Grants allies this Mythic Effect during Anima season, if the Anima blessing has been conferred and if this unit enters battle in Aether Raids with them: Anima-blessed allies decrease the Aetheric Lift lost for defense failures during Anima season.
(This decrease is limited to the number of Mythic Heroes (Max: 2) × the number of Heroes with the blessing conferred × 5.)Note: The way Mythic Hero merges impact this effect is not changing.
This change is planned to take effect with the Aether Raids season starting on 3/7/2019 12:00 a.m.(PT)
■ New Weapon Skills and Weapons to Refine
The following Heroes are able to learn these new character-specific weapon skills at 5★:
Eternal Tome
Hero who can learn this skill: Sophia: Nabata ProphetArgent Bow
Hero who can learn this skill: Klein: Silver Nobleman・ Eternal Tome and Argent Bow can be upgraded in the Weapon Refinery after they have been obtained.
・ To learn weapon skills, tap Allies, then Ally Growth, and then Learn Skills.The following weapons are able to be upgraded or gain additional special effects by using Arena Medals and Divine Dew:
Dark Aura
Heroes who can learn this skill: Linde: Light Mage and Delthea: Free SpiritDark Excalibur
Heroes who can learn this skill: Merric: Wind Mage and Sonya: Vengeful MageNotes:
・ To access the Weapon Refinery, you must clear Book I, Chapter 13 in the main story and then clear the second Intermission map, The Rite of Blades.
・ Linde: Light Mage and Merric: Wind Mage can learn Dark Aura and Dark Excalibur respectively in the Weapon Refinery.■ Additional Heroes via Heroic Grails
The following Heroes are available to summon using Heroic Grails:・Naesala: Sky’s Shadow
・Camilla: Steamy Secrets■ Changes to the Equip Seals Screen
Sacred Seals have been made slightly easier to find on the Equip Seals screen.
Seals have been arranged into color-coded categories based on their slot: A Skill Seals, B Skill Seals, C Skill Seals, and Exclusive Seals. In addition, the scroll bar shows where each of these categories begins.
That’s it for the version 3.3.0 update! We hope you continue to enjoy playing Fire Emblem Heroes.