Fire Emblem Heroes update out now (version 5.8.0)
A new update is here for Fire Emblem Heroes. On both iOS and Android, version 5.8.0 has been made available.
The update includes n New tactical retreat and Reset features for the Arena, the Heroes Journey event, Feh Pass Loyalty Perks, and more. We have additional information below.
■ Feh Pass loyalty perks will be available
Beginning with Ver 5.8.0 of the Fire Emblem Heroes game, loyalty perks will become available to Feh Pass subscribers!
If you maintain an active Feh Pass subscription, you will be able to earn loyalty perks based on how many consecutive months you’ve been subscribed.
○ What perks will I receive?
・ Expanded Summoner Support
Subscribing to Feh Pass allows you to form Summoner Support bonds with up to three Heroes, but on your second month of maintaining your subscription, you will be able to form up to four bonds and on your third month of maintaining your subscription you can form up to five!Note: From the third month on, you will be able to form up to five bonds, and this will not continue to increase.
・ Feh Pass Loyalty Perk Log-In Bonuses
Based on the duration of your ongoing Feh Pass subscription, you can collect items as loyalty perk Log-In Bonuses, which are useful for developing your allies!Month 2
20 Trait Fruit
20 Dragonflowers (I)
20 Dragonflowers (A)
20 Dragonflowers (C)
20 Dragonflowers (F)
Month 3 on
40 Trait Fruit
40 Dragonflowers (I)
40 Dragonflowers (A)
40 Dragonflowers (C)
40 Dragonflowers (F)
Loyalty perks will be distributed the first time you go to the Home screen after renewing your Feh Pass subscription.
Note: Loyalty perks will be added directly to your inventory without going through your Present List after the notification appears on the Home screen informing you that you received them.
For more details about Feh Pass loyalty perks, notes, etc., please see the Feh Pass Loyalty Perks…Coming Soon! notification.
■ The lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals is being updated
With the release of Ver. 5.8.0, players will be able to obtain Divine Codes (Ephemera 8) from events and exchange them from an updated lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals using the Compile Combat Manual feature.
Divine Codes (Ephemera 8) will be able to be exchanged for the following Combat Manuals:
・ The Combat Manuals that will be added in this update may be compiled until 9/27/2021 11:59 p.m.(PT)
・ Divine Codes (Ephemera 8) may be obtained from events that begin after the release of Ver. 5.8.0, while Divine Codes (Ephemera 7) may continue to be obtained from events that began before the release of Ver. 5.8.0.■ New weapon skills and weapons to refine are being added
The following Heroes will be able to learn these new character-specific weapon skills at 5★:
Loyalty Spear
Hero who can learn this skill: Finn: Lance of LegendPunishment Staff
Hero who can learn this skill: Maribelle: Dire Damsel・ The weapon above can be upgraded in the Weapon Refinery after it has been obtained.
・ To learn weapon skills, tap Allies, then Ally Growth, and then Learn Skills.The following weapons will be able to be upgraded or gain additional special effects by using Arena Medals and Divine Dew:
Dark Mystletainn
Heroes who can learn this skill: Ares: Black Knight and Eldigan: LionheartNíu
Hero who can learn this skill: Laegjarn: Sheathed SteelNifl Frostflowers
Hero who can learn this skill: Sanaki: Apostle in WhiteNote: To access the Weapon Refinery, you must clear Book I, Chapter 13 in the main story and then clear the second Intermission map, The Rite of Blades.
■ A skill will be added for Fjorm: Princess of Ice
An A Skill, Mirror Stance 3, will be added to Fjorm: Princess of Ice.
■ Aether Raids is being updated
○ A new structure, Safety Fence (O), will be added.
Until turn X (X being this structure’s level), after skills are activated at the start of the defensive team’s turn, if the entire raiding party is outside the defensive team’s attack range, or is within 2 rows and 7 columns centered on a structure, all defensive team unit actions end immediately.Note: As of Ver. 5.8.0, the structure’s maximum level is level 1.
A Safety Fence can be built using 500 Heavenly Dew.
Please note that, with the addition of this new structure, the following will occur in Aether Raids:
・ Players who have not updated to Ver. 5.8.0 that are attacked by players who have updated to Ver. 5.8.0 will not be able to view the replay of their Defense Results. (They will not be able to view the replay even if they update to Ver. 5.8.0 afterwards.)
○ Some structures will have their level cap increased.
・ Infantry School (O/D) up to level 9
・ Armor School (O/D) up to level 9
・ Flier School (O/D) up to level 9
・ Cavalry School (O/D) up to level 9○ Aether Resort is being updated.
・ New songs are being added to the Concert Hall: “Preparations: Pilgrimage” from the Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia game and “Battle: Destiny” from the Fire Emblem: Thracia 776 game.
■ Mjölnir’s Strike is being updated
○ A mechanism will have its level cap increased.
・ Cogent Summoner: up to level 4
■ Resonant Battles is being updated
○ A Restart feature is being added.
You will be able to use Restart in Resonant Battles as well from the menu on the bottom left.
■ Additional Heroes via Heroic Grails
The following Heroes are now available to summon using Heroic Grails:
・ Fernand: Traitorous Knight
・ Leonie: Relentless Rays■ Other Changes
○ Buttons that will take you to YouTube videos will be added to the Tempest Trials+ menu.
Buttons that take you to the Fire Emblem Heroes — Book II — Chibi Playhouse and Fire Emblem Heroes — Fjorm Sings “Flower of Ice” videos will be added to the Past Episodes menu, which will display during and after the Ice & Flame series ends.