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Fire Emblem: Three Houses introduces Catherine

Posted on June 15, 2019 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Switch

The latest character introduction for Fire Emblem: Three Houses is in. Today’s bio is for Catherine, a member of the Seiros Knights.

Here’s the full introduction:

Catherine (CV: Matsuura Chie)

An alumni of the Garegg Mach Officer’s Academy, and a member of the Seiros Knights.
She is a fearsome swordswoman that wields “Raitei” (Thunder), one of the legendary weapons known as the “Heroes’ Relics, and is loyal to Archbishop Rhea.

And here’s a video, with the full conversation transcription:

Catherine: “Excuse me. Lady Rhea, I believe you called.”
Rhea: “{She doesn’t say the name “Byleth” but it’s onscreen} She is Catherine, leader of the knights that shall accompany you.”
Catherine: “Nice to meet ya, I’ve heard about you. Whatever comes up, just rely on us.”


In the distant past, “Fodlan’s Ten Heroes” were warriors given strength by the Goddess. Alongside the “Crests” they received from her, they were also granted holy weapons known as “Heroes’ Relics”. To use the power lying within the “Relics”, one must hold the corresponding Crest.


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