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Fire Emblem: Three Houses introduces Gilbert

Posted on July 3, 2019 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Switch

Continuing on with the character introductions for Fire Emblem: Three Houses, today we have the bio for Gilbert.

Here’s his overview:

Gilbert (CV: Kogami Hiriomichi)

A knight of the Knights of Seiros who came from the Holy Kingdom.
He is deeply faithful, serious and polite. His expression doesn’t change much, nor does he talk much about himself. Because of that, it’s hard to get to know him, though he does seem to love fishing and cooking.

And a video:

“Nice to meet you, teacher. I am Gilbert, who will be accompanying you on this task. I do not know how useful I will be, but I shall try my best to cooperate with you.”

1) Aren’t you a bit too stiff < 2) I'm counting on you "I apologize, but that is my nature."


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