Fire Emblem: Three Houses introduces Hanneman, Crests
Nintendo has prepared a double dose of updates for Fire Emblem: Three Houses. Along with an introduction for Hanneman, we also have news about Crests.
First up, here’s a bio for Hanneman:
A Crest Researcher studying the “Crests” the goddess gave humanity, and a teacher at the Officer’s Academy. Normally a calm individual, he gets quite absorbed when it comes to Crests. Especially so when it comes to the protagonist’s mysterious Crest; he becomes unable to hide his excitement from academic curiosity. It seems he doesn’t quite get along with Manuela, his colleague.
普段は冷静だが、紋章のこととなると我を忘れて没頭してしまう。特に主人公の持つ謎の紋章に対しては、知的好奇心からくる高まりを隠しきれない。同僚のマヌエラとは馬が合わない様子。 #FE風花雪月— 『ファイアーエムブレム』総合 (@FireEmblemJP) May 18, 2019
Here’s a quick look at Hanneman, along with a translation of the conversation:
紋章大好きおじさん。士官学校での同僚、ハンネマンとの会話です。 #FE風花雪月
— 『ファイアーエムブレム』総合 (@FireEmblemJP) May 18, 2019
“You’ve already heard about it, I presume. It seems they’re doing mock battles between classes. That side, I’m not making much progress in my research regarding your Crest… Your flesh… No, your blood is fine. Leave a few drops there.”
Next, an introduction to Crests:
Some people in Fodlan have a special power called a “Crest” inside them. This power was granted to humans by the goddess, and the heroes or saints have passed them down to the nobles that are their descendants, becoming symbols of political influence. However, not all of these noble descendants are born with Crests, and there are many without them.
And an overview of the protagonist’s Crest:
“Crests” are normally possessed only by nobility, yet the protagonist helping with Hanneman’s research knows that a Crest lies in their body. Why does the protagonist, who isn’t nobility, have a Crest?
一般的には貴族のみが持つとされている「紋章」ですが、ハンネマンの研究に協力した主人公は、自らの身に何らかの紋章を宿していることを知ります。貴族ではない主人公が、なぜ紋章を宿しているのでしょうか? #FE風花雪月
— 『ファイアーエムブレム』総合 (@FireEmblemJP) May 18, 2019
Lastly, a video for Crests plus the translation:
フォドラのごく一部の人々がその身に宿す特別な力「紋章」。女神から英雄や聖人が賜ったとされるその力は、英雄や聖人の子孫である貴族たちに脈々と受け継がれ、権力の象徴となっています。しかし、貴族の子女がすべて紋章を持って生まれるわけではなく、紋章を持たない者も多くいます。 #FE風花雪月
— 『ファイアーエムブレム』総合 (@FireEmblemJP) May 18, 2019
“Now, let’s start with what Crests are. …Crests, are power. In the distant past, it’s said that the goddess granted them to humans, embedding them in their bodies, and passed down through blood. Those with Crests might have strong magical powers, or durable bodies, and such… The various Crests correspond to various powers, powers that surpass humanity.
Response: “And I have a Crest too?”
“Who knows. It’s hard to say without investigating. As I said, Crests are passed down through blood… But even if one’s ancestors had a Crest, it doesn’t mean one is guaranteed to have one. Only a select few of the descendants can inherit the power of the Crest. If one of your ancestors had inherited a Crest, and you just happened to inherit it… Something like that.”