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Former Factor 5 developer on relationship with Nintendo, Rogue Squadron II VC/3DS interest

Posted on August 14, 2012 by (@NE_Brian) in GameCube, General Nintendo, News, Wii

There was a time when Factor 5 was one of the more reliable developers around. The company churned out titles such as the Star Wars: Rogue Squadron games, and was heavily rumored to be working on a Kid Icarus reboot for Wii. However, it wasn’t long before Factor 5 lost its steam and it is now all but defunct.

Former Factor 5 developer Albert Chen opened up on a few important topics in a new interview, including the creation of Star Wars: Rogue Squadron, the studio’s relationship with Nintendo, and his person interest in seeing Rogue Squadron II brought to the Virtual Console/3DS.

Highlights include:

– Star Wars: Rogue Squadron II was completed in nine months
– There were early talks with Microsoft about doing a Turrican game on the Xbox 360, but nothing ever came from this
– “Not sure which publisher got the most proposals from us, but we had a long relationship with LucasArts and Nintendo.”
– says “Wii is essentially an upgraded Gamecube.”
– On Miyamoto saying that Factor 5 was working closely with Nintendo on a project in 2003: “Factor 5 had a very good relationship with Nintendo until the Gamecube started losing the console wars to the PS2 and Xbox. There were some discussions about working with Miyamoto, but most of the dev team was in the dark.”
– Interest in seeing Star Wars: Rogue Squadron II on the Virtual Console or a 3DS remake

Be sure to read the entire interview here.

Thanks to Mike James for the tip.


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