Harvest Moon creator and Toybox president talks about love for Zelda
Did you know that Toybox president Yasuhiro Wada is a big Zelda fan? How about the fact that Zelda was a big influence on Harvest Moon? If Wada was given the chance, he’d probably prefer to work on Zelda more than any other Nintendo franchise. However, he said: “I think I’d rather just enjoy that as a player.”
Wada’s favorite Zelda games are A Link to the Past, Ocarina of Time, and Wind Waker. Wind Waker tops them all.
“The first half of Wind Waker is like 200% right. It’s like better than 100%, but the second half is more like 50% right.”
Wada’s one beef with The Wind Waker? The notorious Triforce hunt.
You can probably count on Wada picking up Zelda: Wind Waker HD later this year.
“I heard the balance was tweaked for the better, so I’m hoping it will be closer to 300%.”