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Iwata Asks – Flipnote Studio will deepen Nintendo’s relationship with the Internet

Posted on August 11, 2009 by (@NE_Austin) in DS, News

In a recent Iwata Asks interview, Nintendo’s President stated that Flipnote Studio will help bring to life Nintendo’s relationship with the internet.

“I think from now on the relationship between Nintendo’s game consoles and the Internet will deepen now that there’s a way for people to easily bring their ideas to life and present them to others – the same way that today they fire off emails right and left. Flipnote Studio can be a place where people share their creations with each other and offer each other applause.

I would love it if Flipnote Studio led the way for software making it possible for people to share their creativity in that way. Everyone, let’s give it our best! (laughs) Thank you for sharing your thoughts today.” -Nintendo President Satoru Iwata

A lead Nintendo developer also stated that Flipnote was originally going to be a WiiWare game before they knew anything about the DSi.

“We talked about making it into WiiWare, so if you connected to the network you could exchange notes with lots of people, not just with your friends. At the time, we didn’t know anything about the Nintendo DSi.” – Yoshiaki Koizumi, Nintendo’s EAD Tokyo

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