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Iwata shares a few words on Nintendo’s partnership with Universal for theme park attractions

Posted on May 7, 2015 by (@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News

Nintendo made a major announcement in conjunction with the release of its most recent fiscal results today. For those that missed out on the news, the company revealed a new partnership with Universal Parks & Resorts for the first theme park attractions based on Nintendo’s various properties. Nintendo is remaining coy on specific details for the time being, but president Satoru Iwata shared a few words at a press conference held in Japan earlier today.

He said:

There have been many requests to build a theme park with Nintendo characters. (Realizing that) requires assistance and know-how, so there were discussions with Universal in order to find a good partner.

Iwata also stated: “We want to create an opportunity where [a theme park visitor] wants to try playing the game.”

Japanese outlet Asahi, who passed along Iwata’s quotes, also obtained a comment from Nintendo’s PR manager. He said: “It’s possible we’ll create attractions together in Universal Studios Japan (USJ) in Osaka.”


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