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Kickstarter roundup (10/12/14)

Posted on October 12, 2014 by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News, Wii U eShop

With more and more Kickstarter campaigns popping up these days, it would be tough to cover them all without overloading the site. And thus, the Kickstarter roundup was born! We’ll be posting these each weekend so that we can bring the latest Kickstarter efforts to your attention.

Here’s today’s roundup:


Impact Winter (new) – £95,000 for funding, Wii U stretch goal at £150,000
Animal Gods (new) – $26,000 for funding, including Wii U
Buildanauts (new) – $35,000 for funding, Wii U stretch goal at $130,000
Beyond-Human (new) – €20,000 for funding, Wii U stretch goal at €90,000
Town of Salem – already funded at $30,000, Wii U stretch goal at $150,000
Blossom Tales: The Sleeping King – $45,000 for funding, Wii U stretch goal at $250,000

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