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Kingdom Majestic bundle coming to Switch, includes Kingdom: New Lands and Kingdom: Two Crowns

Posted on March 27, 2020 by (@OnePunchMaz) in News, Switch

Kingdom Majestic

Publisher Microids announced today that they are bringing Kingdom Majestic to Nintendo Switch. This is collection that includes both Kingdom: New Lands and Kingdom: Two Crowns, as well as the additional content released for both games post-launch. These strategy games have so far only been available digitally, but this collection will mark their retail debut. Kingdom Majestic will be available in June 2020. Additionally, there will be a special Limited Edition in Europe that includes the following:

  • Both games
  • A lenticular in 3D
  • A sleeve
  • Pieces of artwork that can be combined to form a map
  • The original soundtrack for both games
  • Double-sided cover

Take a look at the trailer for the Kingdom Majestic Bundle:

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