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[Let’s Talk] Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door Switch features

Posted on April 13, 2024 by (@NE_Brian) in Let's Talk

Paper Mario Thousand Year Door features

In around a month and a half, Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door will be released on Switch. The RPG, a redone version of the GameCube original, arrives on May 23.

In the very first trailer, it was clear that Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door will have updated graphics on Switch. Aside from that though, Nintendo recently clarified that there will be “a suite of additional changes that make the game easier than ever to enjoy.” Currently we’re waiting for more details on what that means.

As we wait for more answers from Nintendo, what are you hoping to see when it comes to new / updated features? Let us know in the comments.

Highlights from last week’s topic: What are you playing? – April 2024

César Tribst

I’m actually on a Fire Emblem fever, I’m playing Three Houses on the Switch, Fire Emblem GBA on the NSO, Shadows Of Valentia on the 3DS, Radiant Dawn on the Wii and even Mistery of the Emblem on the SNES.


Currently add as many friend code as possible for XY’s Friend Safari before the online server shuts down for good.


Last week I started Another Code Recollection. Finished the first game yesterday. Really enjoyed it (note that I never played the original on the DS).

I was playing, but dropped, God Wars.

And a little bit of Chroma Squad every once in a While.

Locky Mavo

Got my hands on a cheap physical copy of AC IV: Rebel Collection, and I gotta say I’m having a blast. Just finished Black Flag, now I’m onto Rogue.


I finally dropped $360 and bought an original copy of earthbound so I’m replaying that plus life is strange true colours

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