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[Let’s Talk] Pokemon Presents 2025 reactions

Posted on March 1, 2025 by (@NE_Brian) in Let's Talk

Pokemon Day 2025 has come and gone, and with it, the latest Pokemon Presents broadcast. As usual, fans were treated to the latest news about the franchise.

We’ll focus on two of the biggest things here. First, Pokemon Legends: Z-A was properly unveiled following last year’s announcement, complete with gameplay and detailed information. Pokemon Champions was announced, which will be coming to Nintendo Switch (and mobile) at some point in the future. While these were the bigger items, updates on a variety of other topics were shared. You can get the full recap here.

Now that we’re a few days removed from Pokemon Presents, what did you think of it? How are you feeling about Pokemon Legends: Z-A and Pokemon Champions? Let us know in the comments.

Highlights from last week’s topic: Name a random game on a Nintendo platform


Battalion Wars 2 (BWii). I thought it was a very good game. The controls were good, the story was fun, it felt great to switch between battalions/tanks/planes/etc.
But it only sold 340k copies. I think cartoon shooters always have it rough. They look too childish for teenagers/adults, but too violent for kids.


Cold Stone Creamery: Scoop it Up! for Wii. My first job was Cold Stone so I bought this game expecting a fun time. But no, it is shovelware. Kinda like a generic modern smartphone game with the Cold Stone logo slapped on it. It does not well represent the brand. Overall just really disappointingly shallow, though it does have double-Wiimote controls which is an interesting novelty.


I can think of a bunch of random games.

Although one I think about every once and a while that didn’t get the opportunity to shine is The Grinder. The Wii’s answer to Left 4 Dead with a grindhouse horror aesthetic. Even if it ended being mediocre, I was really into everything it had going for it.

Not as random, but another missed opportunity, is Donkey Kong Racing. I’m still waiting for a sandbox racer…


I’ll name a few:

-Sakura Wars: So long, my love
Intrigued me back then for being the first entry in the series to get an English release. Then I was greeted with gameplay issues in the form of slowdown, loss of control when I leave the game idle for too long, and freezing when I tried resuming my interrupted battle having to start it all over losing progress. Turns out it was not only released by a company who’s notorious for making games they localized run worse with additional bugs, but was outsource developed by a company known for having made and released a bunch of bad games and anime. Haven’t played any other installments since.

-Rodea the Sky Soldier
Waited years for a release, hyped it a little to much to a point where I defended it for a time, and after almost a year away from it and coming back, I found it to be middle of the road and all but forgotten. Pre-orded both 3DS and Wii U (with bonus Wii version) back then, never 100% completed them, nor finished the Wii original thanks to a missing audio file that makes the game crash.

-Etrian Odyssey
I wished I played the games sooner, started playing the first in 2013, took me a year to 100% it. Then I played no. 2, never finished it. Bought nearly all the other titles in the series, non of which had their shrink-wrap removed. But since I’m showing interest in dungeon crawlers, I may get the remaster trilogy and others of the like in the future.

-Doctor Latrec and the Forgotten Knights
Think of it as Professor Layton, only not good or memorable.

I wish could think of others but my comment is getting too long, so I’ll stop now.

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