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[Let’s Talk] What are you playing? – February 2023

Posted on February 4, 2023 by (@NE_Brian) in Let's Talk

A new month started up this week. Now that we’re in February, we want to know what you’ve been playing.

Have you been playing Fire Emblem Engage? Or how about GoldenEye 007 on Nintendo Switch Online? Maybe you’re catching up on something you have in your backlog? No matter the case, let us know in the comments below.

Highlight from last week’s topic: Is GoldenEye 007 as good as you remember it?

Pickled Perspective

The sandbox-like design of each level is why I enjoy revisiting Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, and Time Splitters 2. I think controls and graphics might take getting used to, but if newcomers give GE a chance, they may find a somewhat unique experience compared to more modern linear designed FPS games.

Stephen Yap

For the most part, I would say that I enjoyed (re)playing Goldeneye 007 as much as my young self then. The controls were definitely “difficult” for me to adapt to after today’s FPS controls, the lack of AI Bots option (like its 2000 spiritual successor Perfect Dark) was a bummer, and the escort segments were a pain in the [BURP]…but on the flipside, the cheats were very fun to play around with and the soundtrack left me amazed.

Overall, great game (even though I prefer Perfect Dark these days for the gameplay and improvements) and it was just as fun and nostalgic playing it again after all these years; even to this day, Goldeneye 007 on N64 is still my favorite 007 game in my book (The World Is Not Enough wasn’t bad and had a lot of neat ideas, but it didn’t impact me as much. Nightfire had a lot going for it, but it felt like “just another game” of TWINE. The 2010 Goldeneye 007 reboot on Wii was pretty decent in its own barrel, but the whole thing felt like a Call of Duty mod without much of anything in the way of content).

Now then, when’s Mario Party 3 coming, Nintendo?


Once I modified the controls enough to feel natural to me in 2023 (left stick move, right stick look, ZR to fire, ZL for ADS, etc) it made me realise one thing: map and game design has gone so effing backwards. These sandbox levels with multiple objectives feel like places to explore and play, they’re not just corridors and shooting galleries (OK, some maps like Silo feel like that at times).

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