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Let’s try out this Patreon thing

Posted on July 19, 2015 by (@NE_Brian) in Site updates

Running Nintendo Everything is extremely difficult. It can be very stressful. So much of my time and energy is poured into the site every single day, and I usually don’t have much time to relax. I have my hands in so, so many different areas of the site, including plenty of things that aren’t immediately visible to those who visit.

All of that said, there’s a reason why I continue working on Nintendo Everything each day, and it’s quite simple. The bottom line is that I love it. I love writing about Nintendo in one form of another. I love being able to share updates with those who stop by. I take pride in the fact that many people get enjoyment out of the updates I post. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: Nintendo Everything has become very much embedded in my daily life, and the site means an incredible amount to me. You all are very important to me as well.

I want to keep working on Nintendo Everything for as long as I can and in the same manner that I have been these past few years. There’s just one major roadblock that has cropped up as of late.

Earlier this month, I put up two crucial site-focused posts. Both of them were financial related. The site, and myself in turn, are struggling in this area. The ads we have on Nintendo Everything help, but they aren’t bringing in the type of revenue that is needed to avoid a major change. I asked for some guidance from you all, and one of the top suggestions was Patreon, which I’ve now decided to pursue.

What is Patreon?

Patreon is sort of like Kickstarter in a way. The campaign we’ve set up allows for people to donate a set amount to the site each month. This can be as low as $1, or something higher. The pledge amount is completely determined by you. Pledges can be changed from month to month if that’s something you’re interested in, and you can even choose to completely cease pledges at any point.

I’ve set up a few different rewards similar to other Patreon campaigns you may have come across. The base reward ($1) is entry into our Hall of Fame, which is now live on the site. We’ll be adding in names – sorted by pledge amounts – once the first month has passed. There are other rewards as well, including access to our Patreon feed where you’ll receive sneak peaks at updates coming to the site, entry into special monthly giveaways, and more.

Something I do want to stress is that Patreon isn’t impacting our coverage of Nintendo in the slightest. We won’t be locking content away behind it, and everything will proceed on Nintendo Everything as normal.

The end!

I have no idea what to expect from Patreon. Heck, this thing could potentially bomb bigtime. But I truly want to thank everyone who will be supporting us through Patreon, and hopefully the site can continue on for years to come!

Nintendo Everything is now on Patreon here!

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