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Metroid Prime 3: Corruption prototype unearthed

Posted on January 11, 2012 by (@NE_Brian) in GameCube, News, Wii


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A leaked prototype version of Metroid Prime 3: Corruption has made its way onto the net.

The build, taken from early 2006, was made with the GameCube in mind. The entire prototype can be played with a GameCube controller (or a Wiimote), so that’s a strong indication that Retro Studios was making the title for old hardware. As we now know, the project was eventually switched over to Wii.

Interesting points about the prototype:

– Prototype includes gameplay on Norion
– Hyper Mode can be used
– Wii-specific puzzles weren’t added in at this point
– Samus can’t reenter her ship
– Map layout isn’t finished
– Rundas event in Generator A and Ridley attack in Generator C are partially implemented
– Cargo Hub features an upper balcony and a different enemy layout
– “Dark Visor” (Prime 2) is selectable but non-functional

You can find a bunch of prototype images in the gallery above (apologies for the blurriness!).

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