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Miyamoto still interested in Wii Music idea… new Mario Wii U game at E3?

Posted on April 16, 2012 by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News, Wii, Wii U

Spanish website conducted an interview with Shigeru Miyamoto at the Louvre Museum. Miyamoto spoke about his retirement, expressed interest in returning to the Wii Music idea, and apparently said that Nintendo will be showing off a new Mario game for Wii U at E3 2012.

I say apparently because the article doesn’t contain a direct quote from Miyamoto about a Wii U Mario title. The writeup does state, however, that “Nintendo will present a new Super Mario for this platform, which will combine the TV screen with the controller.”

elmundo’s article mentions the following points:

– Nintendo is making new types of games as traditional types are now being released on iPhone/Android
– Miyamoto is readying his staff for his retirement; he’s taking young/bright developers under his direct command
– Miyamoto is working on a few small projects, but is very focused on Pikmin 3 and Luigi’s Mansion 2
– Nintendo will show a new Super Mario game for Wii U at E3; it will combine the TV screen with the new controller
– Miyamoto wants to do more with the Wii Music idea

If Nintendo is presenting a new Mario project at E3, it would be more likely for them to show off EAD Tokyo’s new game (Mario Galaxy, Mario 3D Land team) rather than New Super Mario Bros. Mii. We’re already getting a 2D sidescroller for the 3DS this year, so it’s unlikely that the Wii U will see a similar experience.

Source, Via

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