More Ace Attorney 6 Famitsu scans reveal new details
More Famitsu scans of Ace Attorney 6 leaked today, revealing new details about the game.
A new female character spotted in the first round of scans is featured prominently in multiple images, although there is no information about her identity yet. She appears to be objecting to a hastily-passed verdict.
Translations of multiple quotes from the scans are now also available:
– The theme is “courtroom revolution”
– You can turn off hints!
– Development on the game is 30% complete
What’s the theme and concept of Ace Attorney 6?
Takeshi Yamazaki, director: “Throughout the series, Phoenix Wright is in a place that lacks enemies. Because of that, we’re paying more attention to the world this time.”
Eshiro Motohide, producer: “It’s tough to develop within the Japanese courtroom, since an exhilarating part of the game is how situations can change from from desperate to complete turnabouts. The theme is ‘courtroom revolution.’ Phoenix Wright changing the system of the court is a major theme.”