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More Shantae happening, future of Mighty games, possibility of BloodRayne on Wii U, more

Posted on June 29, 2012 by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, General Nintendo, News, Wii U

WayFoward founder Voldi Way has opened up on a number of important topics.

In a new interview, Way discussed what else is planned for Shantae (essentially confirming Shantae for Wii U), the future of the “Mighty” series, the possibility of BloodRayne on Wii U, and lots more.

We’ve pulled out some of Way’s quotes for you below. Head past the break for his comments.

Way on why other companies might be stumbling on the eShop…

“Uh, you know, maybe trying to do more, uh– I was going to say do some more, like, iOS games on eShop because they don’t work on there in general. I mean, some do, some work, but Nintendo has just, like, such a specific audience. I mean, we’ve been developing for Nintendo since– well, since ’93 when we worked on Super Nintendo, and then Game Boy black-and-white, Game Boy Color, Game Boy Advance, DS, then Wii and 3DS, so, um, so I think we’re– it’s a hard question because it seems, like, it seems pretty obvious to us what Nintendo fans want, but, um, but then again, I guess if we tried to make, like, a first-person shooter to compete with Call of Duty or something, you know, we’d probably complain, “Ah, you can’t make money on Xbox Live!” you know. It’s just what you’re used to.”

Way on what it’s like working with Nintendo…

“Nintendo is a lot longer process, but that said, our sales are, like, orders of magnitude better on eShop than iOS. Well iOS, you know, it’s so hit-or-miss, and it’s like you blend in to the 500,000 other apps, and you know, if you get lucky and have an Angry Birds, then it’s great, but uh, it’s just a total crap shoot, you know, whereas on Nintendo I think we have, you know, enough fans who will at least try that, uh, even on our weaker-selling games like Mighty Milky Way or something, you know, which was a total experiment– I don’t know if you haves have even seen that one– but we’re still really happy with sales. I like the eShop.

“And Nintendo’s been really good to us. They feature us, I think, almost every week since it’s been out they have featured us in some random category or another, like ‘Games with Strong Female Leads’ or um– one time we were in a ‘Games That Don’t Suck,’ so I guess that’s good. (laughs)”

Way on what else is planned for Shantae…

“Um, I mean, I wish I could say something specific, but we are working on it. Like I would expect to see it on, you know, Wii U, uh, it’s just, I don’t want to commit to a time because it always gets– even though we have been working on it, you know, like I said it gets pushed to the back burner, so um, originally we were hoping to have something for launch, but that’s clearly not going to happen. But yeah, Shantae is definitely in the works, and the last one, Risky’s Revenge, kind of left off on, like, a down note, so we have to address that, right? So yeah, definitely more Shantae, for sure.”

Way on how more Mighty games are likely…

“Probably more Mighty stuff too, just because– the Mighty series, even though there’s no real continuity between it, it’s a good place for us to experiment with gameplay that no one else would let us do.

“Oh yeah, Switch Force we added five new levels to. In fact, I’m pretty sure we’re the first people to offer just, like, a free update. I mean, people did say the first one was short, which we, you know, agree, it was a little short. Now hopefully it’s, like, more substantial.”

Way on whether or not WayForward will release more levels as paid DLC for Mighty Switch Force…

“You know, I don’t know. We’ve talked about it, uh– I can honestly say it’s not exactly planned, but it’s not not-planned. I mean we’ve talked about it, we just haven’t done anything about it yet, and um– I don’t know if this is weird because we don’t know how other companies work, but we don’t plan– I think some people plan, like, years in advance or something. We just kind of– even Might Switch Force, that was like, ‘Hey, wouldn’t it be cool to do a game for the eShop?’ ‘When’s it coming out?’ ‘In like three months.’ ‘Uh-oh, we better get started then.’ Like, that’s the amount of planning that goes into it. ‘What’s the game going to be about?’ ‘I don’t know, that’s Matt’s problem.'”

Way on the upcoming Adventure Time game…

“Um, that one was actually very collaborative with Pendleton Ward because he had been tweeting about game designs forever, you know, like, ‘Oh I want it to be Zelda meets, you know, whatever,’ so that one was very collaborative. And he actually has really good gameplay sensibilities too, you know, but he and, like, Matt Bozon would just go on these sprees where they would just kind of work out, uh, what was happening. So yeah, that one’s been pretty fun. I wouldn’t say that one was as bottom-up. That one, he had come up with a story, like the garbage stealing thing, and he probably drew it on a napkin. I don’t know actually. He’s so funny because he draws, like—almost any email he sends there’s a picture attached, like some little sketch of, you know, Finn doing a thumbs up or something.”

Way on the possibility of bringing BloodRayne to Wii U…

“Um, well, tech-wise, totally, we’re all set, so I guess that’s up to them. You know what? You should bug them about it, and we’ll bug them, you know, because I don’t know why that one didn’t come up. I mean, they talked about putting it on Steam and stuff like that, but now that you mention it, they haven’t mentioned Wii U yet, and it should be on it.”

You can find more quotes from Way here.

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