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Mother 3 getting new plushies for Lucas, Claus, Kumatora, and Duster

Posted on April 20, 2024 by in General Nintendo, News

Mother 3 Plush Release Date Hobonichi

In commemoration of the game’s anniversary, the Hobonichi Mother Project is releasing a four-pack of Mother 3 plushies on April 25. The set includes Lucas, Claus, Kumatora, and Duster and costs about $72 (11,000 yen) prior to shipping fees.

Accounting for time zone changes, this means the set will go up for purchase on April 24 at 10 PM ET. Fortunately, Hobonichi is generally quite good about keeping its products in-stock – and it often provides several big restocks for its popular sellers. If you can’t afford these right now, don’t worry. They’ll most likely be available later, too.

As mentioned, the Mother 3 plushies will be available on the Hobonichi Mother Project website, though the listing won’t be available until the product actually goes live (which means no pre-orders here). The site does ship to overseas customers as long as you make an account, so there’s no need for a proxy service or anything similar. That being said, shipping is rather expensive – expect to spend somewhere between $30 and $40 on shipping depending on where you live (which brings the total to about $115).

This follows the Pokey and Mr. Saturn plush set released in December 2023, which is actually still available, if you’re interested in taking a look. There’s also an EarthBound set including Ness, Paula, Jeff, and Poo that’s been available for quite some time now.

Mother 3 turns 18 years old today. Though we almost certainly won’t hear anything about a localization from Nintendo, fans can at least celebrate with these new plushies.

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