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Next Elliot Quest update due out later this month, adds Miiverse Journal and more

Posted on June 5, 2015 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U eShop

Elliot Quest is receiving another new update later this month. On Miiverse, PlayEveryWare outlined what we can expect.

The big new addition is the arrival of the Miiverse Journal. This allows players to “directly post to Miiverse about what secrets you’ve found, take notes on what areas you need to come back to, or what puzzles you’re having trouble with”. The journal also shows all posts made by the community in that same room and all of the posts you’ve made on the island of Urele. Lastly, you can “Yeah!” another player’s post or quickly jump into the Miiverse app to respond to others.

Aside from the Miiverse Journal, PlayEveryWare is putting in option to change the control scheme. There will be several performance improvements as well.

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