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Nintendo: Mario Kart brand “more powerful than ever”

Posted on June 11, 2013 by (@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News, Wii U

Speaking with GameSpot, Nintendo senior communications director Charlie Scibetta said that the Mario Kart brand “is more powerful than ever.” Scibetta referred to the longtime gamers who have played the series for years and newcomers such as kids.

“I do think that the power of the brand is more powerful than ever because you have all the people who grew up on it, so you have that carryover; the fact that they still keep playing into their adult years. And then you also have kids getting into it and you get them involved too.”

Scibetta added that adding innovation and pushing the series to its limits can help keep the Mario Kart series fresh, relevant and popular.

Scibetta also said that Mario Kart 8’s freshness is conveyed through elements including anti-gravity, new vehicles like gliders, and 12-player online support. He believes that the Wii U game will be compelling for consumers due to its classic features and new experiences.


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