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Nintendo’s Doug Bowser on loot boxes and pay-to-win mechanics

Posted on June 13, 2019 by (@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News

Additional in-game purchases like loot boot boxes and pay-to-win mechanics are popping up in more and more games these days. With these elements appearing regularly, Forbes decided to ask Nintendo of America president Doug Bowser for this thoughts.

Here’s what Bowser shared on the topic:

“Well, I’d step back and say first, pay mechanics have been part of gaming quite some time. They have the ability to bring fun, different and optional ways to play games and enjoy games. For us at Nintendo, we look at games and in-game mechanics differently. We have wide variety of options and we really determine those based on the type of games we’re building and the platform that we’re building on. Most important for us is that the game is always fun and engaging, and that’s critical. And so we’ll continue to review how people are playing games. If we need to, from a mobile perspective, make adaptations, we can. The underlying importance is that they’re fun and engaging.”


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