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Reggie: Nintendo “thinking about” its older franchises, “looking hard at” Tomodachi Collection for North America

Posted on June 17, 2013 by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, General Nintendo, News, Podcast Stories

Zelda, Mario, Metroid, Kirby, and Donkey Kong. These are some of the names that should be familiar to most Nintendo fans. But certainly, the Big N has other franchises at its disposal – some of which have been long forgotten or dormant.

Nintendo managed to bring Kid Icarus back to the 3DS after a very lengthy hiatus. Perhaps a similar situation could be realized for the company’s other characters? At the very least, Nintendo seems to be mulling over a few possibilities.

Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime told MTV Multiplayer:

Nintendo is a very fortunate place, we have over 30 different franchises, and we look constantly for opportunities to bring those franchises to bear on our most current systems. I’m not making any promises, and I’m not making any commitments, but certainly we are thinking about, for Wii U and for 3DS, what are those franchises? Maybe those franchises that have been dormant for a few years, that we can loving bring to those platforms to drive our business forward.

Reggie also revealed to MTV that Nintendo is considering Tomodachi Collection for North America. He said that the 3DS game “is something that we are looking hard at for our market”.

“Animal Crossing” is the type of game that you want to play certainly every day, and there are benefits to having the digital version right there on your hardware. I have to say, personally, I don’t find it a huge inconvenience to be swapping out my game cards. There are other games, “Tamagotchi Collection” in Japan, which is something that we are looking hard at for our market, that’s another one that benefits from those short bursts of play, on a day-in, day-out basis.


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