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Reggie not worried about PS4 and Xbox One – says being new isn’t enough, “pretty pictures by themselves aren’t selling propositions”

Posted on August 30, 2013 by (@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News, Podcast Stories, Wii U

How does Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime feel about the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One? He already gave a “Meh” in response to their launch lineups.

Even with two new consoles on the way that the Wii U will be forced to compete with,

“I don’t think consumers buy hardware just because it’s sexy and new. I think consumers buy hardware because of the experiences they can have on them. That’s why, for us, having a strong holiday line-up is so critically important.”

“You know, to a certain extent, how they perform is going to come down to the clarity of their proposition, their execution. There are a lot of variables out there, and that’s for my friends over at Microsoft and Sony to go figure out. My job is to drive Nintendo products and make sure we have a great holiday.”

There’s no denying that the PS4 and Xbox One have a leg up on Wii U when it comes to specs and visuals. However, Reggie pointed out that graphics alone “aren’t selling propositions”.

“Systems that generate pretty pictures by themselves aren’t selling propositions, and all you need to do is look at the last generation to see the evidence. And that’s true whether you look at the home console space or the handheld space. It’s not about the graphics by itself. It’s about the entire experience.”


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