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Rumor: Nintendo’s Quality of Life project might be dead

Posted on June 4, 2018 by (@OnePunchMaz) in General Nintendo, Rumors

Nintendo’s Quality of Life project has been in the works for quite some time now – it was first mentioned at an investors’ meeting all the way back in 2014. However, other than some patents and a couple of mentions at investors’ meetings over the years, we haven’t actually seen anything concrete. The last mention was in July of last year during Nintendo’s annual report. However, it now seems that Nintendo’s Quality of Life project might be dead, or at the very least hit a significant roadbump.

After the Pokemon announcements last week, Nintendo’s shares rose got a large bump, but today they dropped significantly (by 5%). Dr. Serkan Toto speculates that this might be because of a report by business newspaper Nikkei, which states that the Quality of Life project might be dead because Nintendo’s hardware partner Panasonic withdrew from the project in March.

As always, take reports like this with a grain of a salt. However, this would explain Nintendo’s silence and seeming lack of progress on the project. Perhaps we will hear something concrete at Nintendo’s next investors’ meeting.


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