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Rumor: The specifics as to why EarthBound isn’t on the Virtual Console

Posted on July 1, 2012 by (@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, Rumors, Wii

EarthBound is one of Nintendo’s most-classic SNES games, yet it still hasn’t arrived on the Virtual Console service. Legal issues are preventing the game’s release. What’s stopping it, exactly?

If new rumors can be relied upon, there are three specific reasons as to why the game hasn’t appeared on the Wii Shop Chanel. Two of these points are music-related.

EarthBound Central claims that the Sky Runner and Chuck Berry battle songs must be changed. Additionally, the enemy Dali Clock must receive a name-change.

While the Chuck Berry song could be easily interchanged and the Dali Clock would involve simple modification, the Sky Runner piece is the heart of the problem. There’s talk that new music would need to be made for the Sky Runner scenes. Sadly, there hasn’t been a push to do so.

Apparently Nintendo of America had been interested in making the appropriate changes so that legal issues could be avoided, but NCL wasn’t in favor of taking action.


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