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ScareScraper ghosts guide for Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD

Posted on July 22, 2024 by in Guides, Switch

scarescraper ghosts Luigi's Mansion 2 HD

Today, we’re going over the best strategies to beat the ScareScraper in Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD, as well as the best way to farm a whole bunch of ScareScraper ghosts.

As we discussed in our 100 percent guide for Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD, the toughest part of achieving full completion is catching all 45 exclusive ScareScraper ghosts. There are three main modes in the ScareScraper: Hunter, Rush, and Polterpup. Every time you clear four floors, the fifth floor will always be one of these boss ghosts. The idea is that you’ll team up with other real-life players to take down these bosses more easily. Fortunately, it doesn’t matter which one of you sucks up the boss ghost – it counts for all four of you.

How to farm ScareScraper Ghosts fast

How to farm ScareScraper ghosts fast

In an absolutely ideal scenario, you’d have a group of four players all with their own Switch and Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD. You’d communicate with the three others to tackle each floor as quickly as possible. Of course, this ideal scenario won’t be the reality for everyone trying to catch all the ScareScraper ghosts. If you’re playing by yourself, you technically can create lobbies online and wait for random players to join in. Unfortunately, this doesn’t always work. Random players online have a tendency to suddenly exit the lobby midway through, leaving you to climb the remaining floors by yourself. If this keeps happening to you, we’d actually recommend giving it a go on your own. More specifically, you can choose Rush mode with 25 floors. Do the first four floors by yourself, and then summon the boss ghost on the fifth floor. If it’s not new, quit the ScareScraper and try again.

There are positives and negatives to this method. On the plus side, it saves time! Theoretically, you could do a 25F run with other players online and not encounter a single new ScareScraper ghosts entry. This way, you can not only quit to save time, but pause the game if you have to go do something else for a moment without holding up anyone else. The negative is that you’ll need to defeat the boss ghost all by yourself. In most cases, this is perfectly doable as long as you dodge with the jump button while using the Poltergust. Scrapper-type ghosts, however, are particularly difficult. They have a shield that you must take down with a specific charge of the Poltergust before you start dealing damage, and the shield regenerates every time you stop draining its health. The other negative is that big yellow Gobbers sometimes spawn and block your exit, which during the timed Rush mode can kill a run. That being said, it’s rare to happen on the first five floors. And if you catch a brand-new ScareScraper ghost on the fifth floor, you can quit out on the sixth floor and you will keep your ghost. You can then try again on the first five floors of a 25-floor challenge to get another new ghost.

How to guarantee new ghosts

How to guarantee new ghosts

You can continue to play the ScareScraper over and over again, but you might be wondering if there’s a way to guarantee encountering new ScareScraper ghosts. We’ve seen some research and tips saying that playing by yourself increases the odds of finding a new ghost, but in our over 50 hours scaling the ScareScraper we haven’t seen anything to indicate that this is true. We got many repeated ghosts over and over despite only having half of the ScareScraper ghosts already. This means that there’s no real way to increase the odds that you get a new ghost, though there is one small trick. If you do a 25-floor run and encounter a Greenie-type ghost on the 5th floor, you are guaranteed to not encounter another Greenie-type boss for the rest of the run. This means if you have all the Greenies, you can get that one out of the way and be assured to find a different kind of ghost (and this rule applies to all types of ghosts, not just Greenies).

If single-player Rush isn’t working for you, Polterpup works too. Even Hunter is an option because the timer is much longer than Rush’s 30 seconds. Unfortunately, farming ScareScraper ghosts is a very long and very difficult task. The problem is that you can technically keep playing ScareScraper and never be guaranteed to find that last ghost you’re missing. Make sure you know you’re in for the long haul before you start this gargantuan task. And if you need help with any other aspect of Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD, you can check out our list of guides for the game. Are you having trouble finding all the ScareScraper ghosts too? Feel free to share your experiences with us in the comments down below.

Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD is available now for Switch. Check out the official site here.

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