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Shantae: Half-Genie Hero – new promo art, vote on rival genie, retail deal in the works

Posted on May 16, 2016 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U

Update (5/16): Bumped to the top. Winner of the rival genie has been announced:


Original (5/6): WayForward shared a new Shantae: Half-Genie Hero’s Kickstarter update just a short while ago. It shows off new promo art (see above), covers a rival genie vote, and confirms a physical version of the game.

Here’s the lowdown on the new rival genie vote for backers:

It’s time for another vote! Remember that “Fire and Forget” Stretch Goal you all funded into existence? In that storyline, Shantae gets REPLACED as Scuttle Town’s Guardian Genie. To make matter’s worse, her replacement is snotty, stuck up, and none too easy to get along with. So – what’s this new genie going to look like? You can see all three of Matt’s rough sketches above, along with the cleaned up in-game sprite designs below. Which one strikes your fancy? Vote by clicking the link right here, and make your selections by May 13th, 11:59pm PDT. Let’s get voting!


It’s time for another vote! Remember that “Fire and Forget” Stretch Goal you all funded into existence? In that storyline, Shantae gets REPLACED as Scuttle Town’s Guardian Genie. To make matter’s worse, her replacement is snotty, stuck up, and none too easy to get along with. So – what’s this new genie going to look like? You can see all three of Matt’s rough sketches above, along with the cleaned up in-game sprite designs below. Which one strikes your fancy? Vote by clicking the link right here, and make your selections by May 13th, 11:59pm PDT. Let’s get voting!

WayForward also reveals that it’s working on a retail deal for Shantae: Half-Genie Hero. The studio explains what’s happening regarding this in the Kickstarter post:

We’ve received a ton of requests for physical versions of Shantae. Thing is, WayForward is a game developer and a digital publisher – but not an authorized retail publisher. In order to make physical copies of our games for stores, or distribute games in certain countries, console manufacturers require us to work with an authorized publishing partner. You’ve seen us do this before; Square Enix published LIT for WiiWare in Japan, Capcom distributed the original Shantae cartridge in the US, and more recently Intergrow released the boxed version of Pirate’s Curse in Japan for Nintendo 3DS.

Due to the success of Half-Genie Hero’s Kickstarter campaign – and the positive support from fans and press – we’ve been able to enter into discussions with top tier publishers to do the same for Half-Genie Hero. We’re extremely excited about this, but we also recognize that this might raise some questions from our Backers. So, here’s what you need to know!

  • WayForward is the game’s primary publisher, same as always. You’ll still receive your download codes from WayForward, along with all of the Backer Exclusive content.
  • The game’s content will not be impacted by this. Partners will be given a license to distribute the finished game as-is.
  • Any extra work required for these ports will be covered by the distribution partners, not taken from your pledges.
  • Please understand that WayForward is not the distributor of the physical versions, so we can’t offer backers any boxed copies.


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