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Miyamoto on his age and how much he’s involved with game development

Posted on June 27, 2024 by (@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News

Shigeru Miyamoto age game development

With each year that goes by, longtime game creator and Nintendo developer Shigeru Miyamoto receives more and more questions about his role at the company. Miyamoto hasn’t shown any signs of slowing down at 71, but his role has transitioned into things such as focusing on the Mario movies. Super Mario Run in 2016 was actually his last official role as director.

During Nintendo’s shareholders meeting today, Miyamoto was once again asked about his role when it comes to game development given his age. As we’ve heard before, the younger generation is now taking center stage. However, Miyamoto pointed out that he’s “very involved with Pikmin Bloom” – the game actually just received a new feature this week, which we have details about here.

Below is a rough translation of the Q&A excerpt, courtesy of NStyles:

Q: I would like to ask Mr. Miyamoto a question. Creators are aging. I want them to continue making games, but I also want them to take care of their bodies. I would like to know if Miyamoto-san will continue to take the lead in making games.

A: Thank you for your concern. As expected, being the oldest among them makes me nervous. I feel comfortable working at the company. It’s not that I don’t look at game development at all, but I have the younger generation make it without doing any actual work, and I’ve been able to pass it on smoothly, but the people I’ve taken over the job from are also getting older, so it’s better to have younger people make it. I also want to take over. I’m very involved with Pikmin Bloom, so I appreciate your support.

Thanks to Greatsong1 for the tip.

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