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Shin Megami Tensei V daily demon vol. 082 – Loup-garou

Posted on September 6, 2021 by in Switch, Videos

shin megami tensei Loup-garou

Atlus has continued to share new Shin Megami Tensei V videos leading up to its November release with is daily demon series, and today’s video offers an in-depth look at Loup-garou.

Check out the video and some more details below the break.

Here is the history behind Loup-garou from the Megami Tensei Wiki:

The loup-garou, also spelled roux-ga-roux, rougarou, and rugaru, is a creature known in Laurentian French communities. It is related to the traditional concept of a werewolf, as its name originates from the French word for “werewolf.” According to Cajun legend, it is a humanoid creature with the head of a dog or wolf and roams swamps, sugar cane fields, and woodlands.

Other details of the rougarou vary greatly. Some Cajun elders claim that the creature hunts down Catholics who disregard Lent and that people become rougarou themselves by breaking Lent seven years in a row. Another story says that the rougarou curse lasts 101 days and is passed on through blood-sucking. Yet another explanation for the creature states that witches either become rougarou or place the curse on others.

Shin Megami Tensei V arrives on Switch on November 12. You can find earlier daily demon coverage with our archive here.

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