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Shin Megami Tensei V daily demon vol. 189 – Poltergeist

Posted on November 1, 2021 by in Switch, Videos

Shin Megami Tensei V is arriving on Switch just next week, and Atlus has been readying both fans and newcomers alike with video showcases for many of the game’s upcoming demons. This latest daily demon video highlights the demon Poltergeist, check it out with some additional details below.

Here is some of the lore behind the Haunt Race demon, Poltergeist, from the Megami Tensei Wiki:

Poltergeist, in German meaning “noisy ghost,” is an unique type of ghost that enjoys causing mischief and terrorizing the living. They seek recognition and attention, and will do anything to receive it, even if they are violent and deadly methods. The best defining mark of a poltergeist is any manipulation of the physical environment, such as the movement of objects, physical attacks, spontaneous combustion and so forth. They lift and move objects around and make loud and unexplainable noises.

Much of the time, the poltergeist phenomenon is incorrectly credited to mischievous spirits, ghosts or extremely negative entities. However, more modern scientific studies reveal convincing arguments that poltergeists are associated with psychokinesis.

A common factor of classic poltergeist activity is the presence of an adolescent, usually female, in the household or for all of the activity to be centered around one specific person. It’s not uncommon for the activity to not take place unless that person is present at the time. In most cases, when that specific person is removed from the location, the events cease.

They are often associated with paranormal activity, and, rarely, demonic possession.

Shin Megami Tensei V is scheduled to arrive on Switch on November 12. Earlier coverage for the game, including all past daily demon videos, can be found here.

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