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Smash Bros. not to blame for Wii U error code 160-0103

Posted on December 2, 2014 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U

There’s been a lot of talk lately about Wii U error code “160-0103”. There’s also been a lot of discussion about how Super Smash Bros. is primarily causing the issue.

Blaming Smash Bros. for error code 160-0103 is actually the wrong thing to be doing. A post over on Reddit mentions that there have been plenty of other Wii U games that have caused the same problem, ranging from Super Mario 3D World to Batman: Arkham Origins.

The point is Smash Bros. is just one of many games associated with error code 160-0103. There isn’t an issue with the title itself. We can’t confirm this, but the trouble could be due to a faulty internal flash chip or worn flash chip.


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