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Splatoon 2 producer on what makes the game fun, importance of community

Posted on August 18, 2018 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Switch

Nintendo Australia has posted a new interview with Splatoon 2 producer Hisashi Nogami. Among the topics discussed, Nogami spoke about what makes the game fun and the importance of community.

Below are those excerpts:

“I guess what really makes Splatoon fun is the fact that you play in terms of four. Every player has a specific role to play. When one player gets taken out, the other three players must think about how to handle the match until they respawn. Since you are fighting with ink, it’s clear who is winning and who is not, even to the people who are simply watching the match.”

“First of all, Splatoon is a game that you play as teams. Having a lot of friends who would play the game with you is important. Of course, you can be matched online with people you don’t personally know, and that’s important too. Private battles with friends as you discuss the strategies with each other is fun. This extends beyond just gameplay. You could have conversations about the game outside of the game. At events, many people get together and share their thoughts about the game. For these reasons I think communities are very important for Splatoon.”

You can watch the full interview with Nogami below.

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