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Switch will let you share update data locally in the future, My Nintendo connectivity

Posted on February 23, 2017 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Switch

We found out something pretty interesting about Switch while messing around with the system this week. Although it apparently won’t be available at launch, Nintendo is planning a feature so that update data can be exchanged with local users. That means you won’t necessarily have to connect online to get an update – you can just obtain the data from a friend.

Switch also appears to have connectivity with My Nintendo at the system level. We weren’t really able to try this out since a day one update is required, but it seems like you might be able to earn points with physical titles. Wii U and 3DS games already offer this, but only with the digital versions. We have a physical copy of Zelda: Breath of the Wild on Switch yet there is an option to “Earn Points”. Stay tuned for further information.

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