Kemco RPG Selection Vol. 7 physical release on the way to Japan with English support, pre-orders open
Posted on 7 months ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 0 comments
Kemco is continuing its string of physical releases on Switch with Kemco RPG Selection Vol. 7, which will be out soon in Japan.
Asdivine Cross, Alphadia Genesis 2, Ruinverse, and Chroma Quaternion are included. The full set will be included on a single cartridge. All of these games should support English and can be played on any Switch system regardless of region.
Asdivine Cross footage
Posted on 3 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Switch eShop, Videos | 0 comments
As we recently heard, Kemco and Exe Create’s latest RPG Asdivine Cross is releasing on Switch later in the month. Find some footage in the video below.
Asdivine Cross is slated for April 22 on the Switch eShop. We’ve got further details and a trailer here.
More: Asdivine Cross, Exe Create, Kemco
RPG Asdivine Cross hitting Switch this month
Posted on 3 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch eShop | 0 comments
Kemco and Exe-Create will be putting another RPG on Switch this month. Asdivine Cross will arrive on April 22, according to an eShop listing.
Here’s some information about Asdivine Cross as well as a trailer:
More: Asdivine Cross, Exe Create, Kemco
Asdivine Cross heading to the North American 3DS eShop on July 13
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News | 3 Comments
Kemco brought some RPG love to Wii U on Thursday with Revenant Saga. Next week, 3DS is getting some attention as well with Asdivine Hearts. Nintendo’s website lists the game for July 13.
The listing offers up the following overview:
Harvey, an outlaw of little importance, gets himself trapped deep in his kingdom’s dungeons. While imprisoned he befriends a mysterious woman who claims to be the princess of the lands. Together the two begin an escape that spans far beyond jail bars. As both friends and enemies begin to surface, Harvey realizes that the world of Asdivine is anything but at peace. Between threats of war and angry Deities, Harvey and friends begin a series of quests that will determine the very fate of Asdivine…
Fill the Trust Gauge or combine magic and skills to create powerful combos in turn-based battles! Weapon upgrades, a battle arena for the toughest of the tough, plenty of subquests, post-game content, and so on bring everything to the table players have come to expect from the Asdivine series.
Now it is time to suit up and set out on an adventure like never before!
Kemco also has the following English trailer:
Asdivine Cross will cost $9.99.