Earthlock targeted for end of February / early March on Wii U, Switch is “an uncertainty”
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch eShop, Wii U eShop | 8 Comments
Earthlock: Festival of Magic remains on track for Wii U, and the developer is finishing up this release. The team is sorting through some last challenges at the moment. If everything is properly completed, Earthlock could be hitting Wii U at the end of February / start of March.
Now, what about Switch? SnowCastle Games is still interested in the platform, but writes in a Kickstarter update that “Nintendo has not given us a clear response on when we may expect to publish on their new console.”
The full status update for Earthlock on Nintendo platforms reads:
“The Wii U version is giving us some challenges, but we have made great progress. Only the last few scenes remain to be optimised. We hope to enter certification in about 2 weeks. It might be tight, but we are still optimistic about a Wii U launch around the end of February/ beginning of March. I’ll keep you posted once we have more precise dates.
Nintendo Switch is still an uncertainty. Nintendo has not given us a clear response on when we may expect to publish on their new console. Feel free to use social media to let Nintendo know that you want Earthlock on the Switch. (”
Earthlock planned for Wii U release by the end of January
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U eShop | 1 Comment
Earthlock: Festival of Magic’s Wii U launch is fast approaching. On Twitter, SnowCastle Games CEO Bendik Stang mentioned that the eShop version is planned by the end of January.
The tweet is as follows:
@HeinyReimes did a soft launch on steam in Sept. PS4/WiiU due out end of January 2017
— Bendik Stang (@BendikStang) November 30, 2016
As we recently found out, SnowCastle Games also has interest in a Switch version of Earthlock. The studio would like to have the game ready for the launch of Nintendo’s new console if possible.