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Dahku Creations has nailed down a final release date for Chubbins. The game is due out on June 5th, the developer confirmed on Twitter.

Dahku said earlier today:


Chubbins trailer

Posted on 10 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U eShop | 0 comments

Dahku Creations has shared with us an exclusive trailer for its indie Wii U eShop title “Chubbins”. You can find it above.


Dahku Creations has wrapped up development on Chubbins. The game is completely done and is now in Nintendo’s hands for approval.

Chubbins doesn’t have a final release date yet, but Dahku hopes it will be ready in June.

Dahku tweeted the following just a few moments ago:


Dahku Creations has released a few screenshots from Chubbins on Wii U, which we’re told is tentatively slated for release in May. Among the images is a comparison showing improved backgrounds over the iOS version.

Like many Wii U titles, Chubbins can be switched between the GamePad and television. The GamePad presents a few control options such as the d-pad and shoulder buttons depending on the player’s preference. Menus can be navigated with the touch screen when playing on the controller.

As far as the future goes, Dahku “would absolutely love to continue support for the Wii U eShop (and 3DS if Unity supports it in future),” the studio’s Paul Burns told us. “We have other existing titles and are considering how they might be enhanced for Wii U, but we are also very excited about the possibility of future Wii U exclusives. The success or failure of Chubbins on Wii U will be an important deciding factor in how we proceed.”

Dahku Creations has is developing Chubbins for Wii U, the studio has announced.

Originally, Chubbins hit iOS last year. The platformer’s eShop release will boast a few new additions/improvements, all of which are covered in depth below:

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