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Elden: Path to the Forgotten

Elden Path of the Forgotten Director's Cut

Elden: Path of the Forgotten, which first appeared on Switch in July 2020, has received a major update known as Director’s Cut. It “reworks every element of the game” including combat, sound design, and much more.

Below are the full patch notes:

Elden: Path to the Forgotten

Earlier today, the medieval RPG Elden: Path of the Forgotten landed on the Switch eShop. We have some footage in the video below.

Elden: Path of the Forgotten

Publisher Another Indie and developer Onerat Games have announced that Elden: Path of the Forgotten, a medieval eldritch fantasy game, will be landing on Switch next month. A release is planned for July 9 via the eShop.

Here’s some information about Elden: Path of the Forgotten plus a trailer:

Elden: Path to the Forgotten

Publisher Another Indie and developer Onerat Games have announced that Elden: Path to the Forgotten will be seeing a release on Switch. The game is due out later this year.

Here’s an introduction to the cosmic horror game:

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