New Great Detective Pikachu: Birth of a New Duo details and screenshots
Posted on 9 years ago by Jake in 3DS eShop, News, Screenshots | 9 Comments
The official website for Great Detective Pikachu: Birth of a New Duo has updated with details on the world and gameplay, as well as a host of new screenshots. The details have been translated by Serebii.
Gameplay revolves around exploring Rhyme City as protagonist Tim Goodman and his partner, Pikachu. Tim is able to interview humans to solve mysteries, while Pikachu interviews Pokémon. The player can also look around specific spots for evidence. Pikachu will sometimes notice details and offer hints or advice. The game also features quick-time events, although these do not seem to affect player progress.
The website has also given numerous details on the characters and world. Pikachu, for example, is able to talk but, because of this, cannot use normal Pokémon moves. Other new characters are also introduced. Mike Baker is the head of the detective agency. Amanda Blackstone is his assistant. Amelia Kristi is a new Assistant Director at a TV Station, and Meiko Okamoto is a TV Director. Pablo Milan is the owner of the High Hat Cafe.
Below are all the new screenshots that were added.